Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Israel must be condemned for being disproportionate

Published in on July 26, 2006.

I wrote on NFB a few days ago asking through the title of my article when the deliberate targeting of innocent civilians will end. I was referring to the tactics of suicide bombers that Palestinians and members of the Al-Qaeda group had mastered. I must apply the same standard in the current spate of warfare in the Middle East.

Hamas and Hezbollah were indeed responsible for starting the current escalation but Israel's response has been disproportionate and extremely counterproductive. Looking at news reports, it cannot be helped but noticed that in the name of eliminating Hezbollah, Israel is deliberately targeting Lebanese civilians. Israel must be strongly condemned for this. So should the US for tacitly supporting this.

The Middle East is going to be no safer once this escalation dissipates. There have been those like me who have spoken out loud against the deliberate targeting of Israeli civilians by Palestinian suicide bombers. Israeli actions as of late make taking that position that much more difficult. But one must maintain that position at all times and therefore Israel must be strongly condemned without reservation. Not only are innocent Lebanese being targeted, but Lebanon as a country that was slowly picking up after years of civil war, is now being destroyed again.

Saturday, July 15, 2006

When Will the Deliberate Targeting of Innocent Civilians End?

Published in on July 15, 2006.

Modern terrorists (all fundamentalist Muslims) have taken the art of deliberately targeting innocent civilians to a new height. The attack on Mumbai trains on July 11, 2006 was another chapter in this ugly global phenomenon. Let's show solidarity with the people of Mumbai just like we did with the people of London, Madrid, Bali and New York. Every time humans (if we can call them that) degenerate into this level of monstrosity, we must be firm in asserting that these terrorist acts have no justification or cause that can be used to rationalise them.

Foreign policy acts by global powers (notably the US, Israel, UK and increasingly Russia and India) are often cited as the main cause for Muslim anger and frustration. Global foreign policy is indeed a subject in its own right and can be discussed in its own track. But NEVER should this discussion be tied to any rationale that these terrorists might have. Deliberately targeting innocent civilians without warning is morally a far more repugnant act than engaging in the type of war (US in Afghanistan and Iraq) where diplomacy and politics had been used to try to prevent the war in the first place and failing that, civilians had some opportunity to be forewarned and where militarily, attempts have been made to keep casualties to a minimum - this is not necessarily a justification of those wars but it highlights a very important distinction.

There must be no double standard in the wider Muslim community when it come to this principle. Israeli occupation of the Palestinian areas must never be used as a justification of Palestinian suicide bombings against Israeli civilians. Muslims ought to be enraged at how the Shia-Sunni conflict in Iraq is maiming so many innocent civilians (and not simply blame America for it!). Every time a bomb goes off in Afghanistan, the wider community must not remain silent. The Muslim community in the west had a knee jerk reaction to the horrendous events of September 11 in New York city some of whom often claiming ridiculously that Jewish people were behind those attacks. This complacency was finally broken when London came under attack from British born and bred thugs of Muslim origin. The memory of Madrid and Bali bombings still linger on while more and more places in the world brace for future attacks.

It is incumbent upon the global Muslim community to rise up above their prickly sense of victim hood and Jihadi mentality. Without the soft support from this community (and of course without the financial support from the Middle East!) these terrorists would have had no cause, no home base, no ideology. There needs to be a paradigm shift in the intellectual and psychological sphere of every Muslim community in every country in the world. Too much time has been waisted in claiming how the west has indirectly created these terrorists. That point is a moot one while innocent civilians continue to lose their lives and infrastructure is destroyed in the name of Jihad and Islam. Muslims must also start wondering how comfortable they are with their faith being associated with such actions around the world. Not something that Muslims ought to be too proud of.

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Upbeat Newsweek Article

It's nice to see that some of the social and economic progress that Bangladesh has made since independence in 1971 is slowly getting noticed and the someday the country's bad press may disappear. That's not to say that the political system in Bangladesh isn't disfunctional. Nor does it mean that we don't have rampant corruption that eats away at the GDP. But it is still time to look optimistically forward.

A Good Rebuttal to Allah Hafez

I found a article in Bangladesh's Daily Star newspaper which gives a good rebuttal to the phrase "Allah Hafez" that has become vogue among many religious minded people and their imitators! This will not interest most of my friends who are non-Bangladeshi.

Sangshad Bhaban

Bangladesh's Democracy might be rambunctious and disfunctional but the same cannot be said of the Parliament Building (Sangshad Bhaban) that is the seat of Bangladesh's democracy. Here is a very good article on Time magazine's Asia edition honouring the construction as Asia's Best Democratic Dreamscape.